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WordPress - Get Started [ 1, 2 ]

How to install and get started with WordPress using V3, how to switch to v3 from older versions - step by step guide.
Follow the step-by-step installation instructions from the "Initial Setup" tab.

Getting Started in V3 [ 1 ]

For Sites Before GD Core Automation

Good news, if you install a version of the core plugin that is not the most recent, it will automatically show you that a newer version is available. You will be able to click upgrade from within the WordPress Account (See Below).

  1. Install and activate Core.
  2. Choose site type and region.
    • This is important, especially if it is a WooCommerce, as it will take the region settings and insert it into the main settings.
  3. Click activate, then install now to install all the required plugins.
  4. Add any additional requested plugins and deactivate any unnecessary plugins from the plugins page.
  5. For more detailed information about Core check out the styleguide:

After it is installed, follow the detailed instructions outlined on the GD cORe page to learn how to set it up properly. This page also contains information on troubleshooting and has FAQs regarding cORe for reference if needed.

For Sites with GD Core Automation (All New Sites)

All plugins and pages are automatically installed and created prior to build.

Switching from V2 to V3

In the case that you are not building a new site, rather you are upgrading an existing build to our latest platform, you will need to first determine what platform the site is currently on, and then you will proceed with the conversion. To determine the current platform, follow the detailed steps laid out on this page "Convert to V3 - Select Platform" then, based on your conclusion, follow the steps on:


If you want to stay in v2 but use plugins included in the v3 platform, you can build a custom plugin package here: Package Builder - (PW - WebsiteBuilder)

Customizer Settings [ 2 ]

Settings Tab

  • 1

    Open Customizer

    dashboard > appearance > customize > settings

  • 2

    Homepage Settings

    change homepage display to "static page"
    then add new page > "Home"
    add a new page under "posts page" > "Blog" - where your blog or generated posts will reside

  • 3

    Site Identity

    add title, tagline & favicon

Menus Tab

  • 4

    Create a New Menu

    set it to header menu - then add items

  • 5

    Link Types

    add all pages to the menu here
    for long-scroll sites, use custom links
    anchored to each section ID

General Tab

GD Core automation will have set some of these settings for you, it still is a good practice to check and make sure the settings are correct. 

  • 6


    enable scroll to top button

    in a recent update, the "layout" tab added two more important dropdowns - set these to:
    CSS Framework: Minimal Bootstrap 3
    Font Awesome Icons: Font Awesome 5

  • 7

    Accent Color

    the accent color will be the default colors used for elements such as links and buttons and various elements

  • 8


    set the default heading font and color here - you can make all headings the same font or choose to selectively style H1 

  • 9


    set the site's default body font, color and size here

Code Tab

Use this for inserting scripts like Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel - place items such as these in the "head" tab - any code entered in this area will be rendered within the page <head> tag.


Use the additional css panel for specific css. Use the template for easy organization and flow. 

these settings are defaults - you can make specific changes in the module settings themselves. its just good to make things consistent here first.

Table of Contents
    Add a header to begin generating the table of contents
    Next Steps

    After installation and customizer setup, its time to create the themer layouts.

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