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If you are having network issues, follow the steps shown in the network troubleshooting flowchart.

PODs giving an error

If you come across the following error when trying to add a new POD set up, please check to see if the plugin Gravity PDF…

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Troubleshooting Critical Errors

What causes critical errors? In most cases critical errors are a result of a failed plugin update. This will result in the site becoming inaccessible and…

Website Optimization

[Estimated time: 45 minutes] Website optimization is more important than ever for our small business customers. This post covers the steps to optimize WDS WordPress…

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Deactivating Plugins Through the Database

When debugging a WordPress site, we will often have to deactivate all plugins as a part of our troubleshooting measures. The best method to accomplish…

Deleting WP-Members Removes Settings

Troubleshooting site issues often times requires plugins to be deactivated or deleted. It is important to note that deleting the WP-Members plugin from a site…

How to update plugins

Updating Plugins is a fairly simple task and should always be the first thing you do on any ticket. Follow the steps below to update…

Browser Autoplay Policies

Web browsers are moving towards stricter autoplay policies in order to improve the user experience, minimize incentives to install ad blockers, and reduce data consumption….

How to Fix Broken Property Slideshows in Optima Express

If you come across a site where the slideshow in the listing used by Optima Express is broken and only shows the first 2 images,…

Troubleshooting Overlapping Product/Post Grids

If you are experiencing an overlapping issue on your product or post grid modules please follow these steps to resolve the issue. Step 1 –…

Troubleshooting Broken Facebook and Instagram Feeds

Starting October 24th, 2020, Facebook is making a change to how they allow content from Facebook and Instagram to be embedded on websites, and this…

Troubleshooting Critical Errors on a Single Page

If you run into a critical error on a single page, please make sure you are doing the following before submitting a Technical Clarification. Step…

Troubleshooting Slow Builds

Let’s discuss the troubleshooting path for when you encounter a build that is slow to load, edit, or save. Step 1. Connect Via VPN Connect…

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