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Manually Creating Alt Tags

Alt Tag Automation Fail In some cases when Alt Tag Automation fails, you may need to manually add Alt Tags to images on your website….

What Edits Can be Made to the Checkout Page

Typically the Checkout page is not something that can be customized because it is pulling from a shortcode. That being said, there are some options…

WooBookings – How to Change Person Label Type

Follow the guide on how to setup different Persons in WooBookings. Edit Person Types Once you have setup WooBookings Person Types, you may need edit…

Troubleshooting Booking Calendar not Displaying Calendar

The booking calendar will not display on products that are cached. To resolve this, we need to exclude the individual product pages from the cache….

The Business Personality Quiz, How it Works and How to Use it

What is the Business Personality Quiz? Currently during the design intake process, a WS will walk them through a short branding personality quiz. This quiz…

Enabling Subscriptions with GD Payments

In order for the subscriptions function to work, they’ll need to have the Saved Cards setting enabled:  Here are the steps to enable it:

Event Tickets Plus Checkout Issues

Often times on a WooCommerce site you may come across a checkout or product issue when using Event Tickets Plus. Typically this is related to…

WooCommerce Pagination Troubleshooting

What is the pagination issue? Pagination is available on several Beaver Builder post modules: Powerpack, UABB, and WooPack. The pagination issues occurs when a Beaver…

WooCommerce Placeholder Products | Outlines

Create Simple Placeholder Products Add Product Name Add Product Description Add Product Price Add Product Sku Add Product Image Create Variable Placeholder Products Add Product…

Themer Layouts – Product Category Archive | Outlines

Themer Layout Setup For Product Category Archive Duplicate Shop Archive layout Rename Archive Set Archive location Style Archive in Beaver Builder

Clear WooCommerce Credentials To Enable Restarting An Application

Steps Add to the “Jira Issue” field on your CAS ticket Log in to the merchant’s WP admin via the CRM Access the wp_options database table by…

Themer Layouts – Singular Product | Outlines

Themer Layout Setup For Singular Products Launch Beaver Builder for Products Singular Select a template from Beaver Builder menu [ + > Templates > 2021…

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