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How to Restore a Single Page in Beaver Builder

If a customer is requesting to revert some content, or a page to a previous version, this restore method is the easiest and least risky…

Selecting a Featured Image for Pages/Posts

Every page of our WordPress sites must have a featured image. Selecting the right image for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes can greatly enhance the…

The Business Personality Quiz, How it Works and How to Use it

What is the Business Personality Quiz? Currently during the design intake process, a WS will walk them through a short branding personality quiz. This quiz…

WooCommerce – WP Dashboard | Outlines

WooCommerce Dashboard Setup Page Setup for the Cart page, Checkout page, My Account page, Terms and Conditions page in the WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced…

Closing Comments

A new Managed WordPress update automatically closes comments after 14-days. This setting can be toggled or adjusted under Settings > Discussion. Spammers typically target older…

How to Add a Google Map Campaign

If you get a ticket requesting to add a Google map from the email campaign please follow the steps outlined below. Please Note: This method…

Caching Issues

If you are facing caching issues you may have the most success following each section in order below:(NOTE: Section 3 is for Internal Build Teams…

Troubleshooting Critical Errors on a Single Page

If you run into a critical error on a single page, please make sure you are doing the following before submitting a Technical Clarification. Step…

Troubleshooting Slow Builds

Let’s discuss the troubleshooting path for when you encounter a build that is slow to load, edit, or save. Step 1. Connect Via VPN Connect…

Admin Email Update Procedure

This is a mandatory process for all incoming tickets. Not to be confused with the user emails, the WordPress admin email lives in a separate…

Site-Map Breadcrumbs for Non-Woo Sites

Breadcrumbs are no longer limited to WooCommerce sites. You’re now able to add breadcrumbs to a regular WordPress site using the Yoast SEO breadcrumb shortcode:…

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