How to Hide the v3 reCAPTCHA Badge
Please note: It is NOT recommended that you hide the reCAPTCHA badge when in use. However, if the customer is insistent on removing the badge…
How to fix missing or broken CSS
If you come across a site where the styling is missing and looks like this: Or you see the following error: Please follow these steps…
Visual Editor in the PODs fields is not working
Does the site have PODs? Does the POD have a WSYWIG field? Does only the HTML editor work and not the visual editor? If you…
Troubleshooting Critical Errors
What causes critical errors? In most cases critical errors are a result of a failed plugin update. This will result in the site becoming inaccessible and…
Website Optimization
[Estimated time: 45 minutes] Website optimization is more important than ever for our small business customers. This post covers the steps to optimize WDS WordPress…
Excess Content: Layout Guidelines and Examples
There are two main scenarios when it comes to excess content: Too much content for a singular page — common scenario with standard sites where…
Customer Media Library
To streamline the customer experience, we have introduced the Customer Media Library, also referred to as Brand Book or Assets Library. The customer may now…
Printing Websites
I am sure you have had a customer request to have a print option on their website where the page will fit neatly onto a printed piece…