Restoring Layouts in Beaver Builder
Restoring refers to several scenarios: Beaver Builder hangs while you’re editing a page.Beaver Builder autosaves as you work, so if your page hangs as you’re…
Fixing Image Heights on Product Archive Pages
Regardless of the module being used on the archive page, a common issue noticed is that the product images in the grid are all different…
Alternatives to the WooPack Product Module
There has been an issue with WooPack’s scripts since the latest update, and it has caused time-out errors and the inability to edit the module’s…
Creating a Different Product Layout for Products of a Different Category
Task: “The customer is wanting a paragraph of content to be on every product page, but only on products that are in the “Power Running…
Make Sure Your Logo is Linked to Site URL in a Themer Header
Themer allows you to connect components on a theme page to existing links – like linking the logo to the site URL shown in this…
Using the Pre-Loaded Demo Site Templates on Pages Created with Themer
Go to top right of screen – hit plus sign > templates > from group drop down select “blog post templates” and you’ll see the…
Creating a Blog Post Archive Page & Singular Blog Post Layout in Themer
Watch the video to see how to create an archive themer page and assign it to products or blog posts as needed: I’ve also created…