403 mod_security errors | Beaver Builder
403 Mod Security Error in Beaver Builder The error above can be resolved by enabling the Mod Security Fix in Beaver Builder Advanced Settings.…
The new GoDaddy Asset Management Tool – DAM 2.0
Goodbye GDDAM welcome DAM 2.0, GoDaddy’s new Data Asset Management tool! The Builder II/III hub link has been updated or you can directly access it…
Event Tickets Plus Checkout Issues
Often times on a WooCommerce site you may come across a checkout or product issue when using Event Tickets Plus. Typically this is related to…
Themer Layouts Location Settings | Outlines
Footer Layout – Set location to Entire Site Header Layout – Set location to Entire Site Product Singular – Set location to Product Shop Archive…
WooCommerce Pagination Troubleshooting
What is the pagination issue? Pagination is available on several Beaver Builder post modules: Powerpack, UABB, and WooPack. The pagination issues occurs when a Beaver…
Smush Pro Requires Login
If you come across the following message for Smush Pro, or if you notice that pro features are not active, please try the following steps….
Yoast | Site Not Indexing On Search Engines
Site Not Indexing On Google? Check the Canonical URL on the live site. If not correct you will have to install the Yoast Test Helper…
Beaver Builder – Global Settings | Outlines
Outline Launch Beaver Builder Currently Editing > Global Settings Under Rows adjust Padding to Desktop: 60px | Tablet: 20px | Mobile: 0px Adjust Max-Width: 1600px…
PDF iframe Error
Don’t Add PDFs with iframes Best Practices PDFs should be added to the page using the Embed Any Document plugin. Alternatively, PDFs can also be…
WooCommerce Placeholder Products | Outlines
Create Simple Placeholder Products Add Product Name Add Product Description Add Product Price Add Product Sku Add Product Image Create Variable Placeholder Products Add Product…
Themer Layouts – Product Category Archive | Outlines
Themer Layout Setup For Product Category Archive Duplicate Shop Archive layout Rename Archive Set Archive location Style Archive in Beaver Builder