Hamburger Menu
Use on stores with a primary site menu containing lots of menu items or menu links with long character lengths or stores that want a secondary menu with categories in the header.
Template Type: Store Header
Components: Hamburger Menu, Logo, Product Search Icon, Secondary Menu, Store Icons
Use on stores with lots of menu items or menu links with long character lengths or stores that want product search to be easily accessible in the header on every page.
Template Type: Store Header
Components: Hamburger Menu, Logo, Product Search Bar, Store Icons
Use on stores with a primary site menu containing lots of menu items or menu links with long character lengths or stores that want a secondary menu with categories in the header.
Template Type: Store Header
Components: Hamburger Menu, Logo, Product Search Icon, Secondary Menu
Use on sites with lots of menu items or menu links with long character lengths or sites that want a Call-to-action button in the header separate from the menu.
Template Type: Site Header
Components: Call-to-Action, Hamburger Menu, Logo, Site Search, Social Icons
Use on sites with lots of menu items or menu links with long character lengths or sites with lots of pages or posts that need site search functionality.
Template Type: Site Header
Components: Hamburger Menu, Logo, Site Search
Use on sites with lots of menu items or menu links with long character lengths.
Template Type: Site Header
Components: Call-to-Action, Hamburger Menu, Logo