Tips & Tricks
Tips related to achieving a desirable outcome reliant on certain platform functionality.
Sift through the different possible scenarios to find tips & tricks on the best way to accomplish your goal.
Smush Pro Requires Login
If you come across the following message for Smush Pro, or if you notice that pro features are not active, please try the following steps….
Yoast | Site Not Indexing On Search Engines
Site Not Indexing On Google? Check the Canonical URL on the live site. If not correct you will have to install the Yoast Test Helper…
Beaver Builder – Global Settings | Outlines
Outline Launch Beaver Builder Currently Editing > Global Settings Under Rows adjust Padding to Desktop: 60px | Tablet: 20px | Mobile: 0px Adjust Max-Width: 1600px…
PDF iframe Error
Don’t Add PDFs with iframes Best Practices PDFs should be added to the page using the Embed Any Document plugin. Alternatively, PDFs can also be…
WooCommerce Placeholder Products | Outlines
Create Simple Placeholder Products Add Product Name Add Product Description Add Product Price Add Product Sku Add Product Image Create Variable Placeholder Products Add Product…
Photoshop Clipping Mask Tutorial
Creating a clipping mask in Photoshop is a quick and simple task that can enhance your design dramatically. It simply uses the content of one layer to…
Themer Layouts – Singular Product | Outlines
Themer Layout Setup For Singular Products Launch Beaver Builder for Products Singular Select a template from Beaver Builder menu [ + > Templates > 2021…
Beaver Builder – Page Content – WooCommerce Home Page | Outlines
Creating A Home Page In Beaver Builder For WooCommerce Launch the Home page in Beaver Builder Create and style Hero row Add H1 Title/Description copy…
Importing WooCommerce Taxes with a CSV
Important Note: We will not set up taxes or generate tax information. This guide will only discuss importing from a provided CSV file. The customer…
WooCommerce – WP Dashboard | Outlines
WooCommerce Dashboard Setup Page Setup for the Cart page, Checkout page, My Account page, Terms and Conditions page in the WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced…
WooCommerce – Beaver Builder | Outlines
Setup WooCommerce pages in Beaver Builder Launch Beaver Builder for the Cart page Ensure WooCommerce cart displays on page. Add WooCommerce Cart shortcode if necessary…