Default layout template for products when viewed individually – most common eCommerce product layout. Use this layout on most stores with any kind of product.
Template Type: Product Singular
Components: Product Search Bar, Sidebar, Themer Modules, WordPress Widgets
Use this layout for sites where the posts are very lengthy or have many headings/subheadings and sections and would benefit from an easy auto-generated anchorlink system to jump between these sections e.g. journal or publisher sites, informational sites, medical or educational sites, etc.
Template Type: Post Singular
Components: Sidebar, Social Share, Table of Contents, Themer Modules
Use this layout for most blog post sites as it contains all the necessary features and a proper layout.
Template Type: Post Singular
Components: Sidebar, Site Search, Social Share, Themer Modules, WordPress Widgets
Use this layout on sites with blog posts that may have larger or higher quality images OR prefer a relatively equal emphasis on the text content/excerpts and featured images e.g. fashion/travel blogger sites, media-based sites, foodie/recipe blogs, personal blog sites, etc.
Template Type: Post Archive
Components: Posts Module, Sidebar, Site Search, WordPress Widgets
Use this layout on sites with blog posts that may have smaller or lower quality images OR have good images BUT prefer a higher emphasis on the text content/excerpts e.g. news article sites, journal or publisher sites, informational sites, religious, medical or educational sites, etc.
Template Type: Post Archive
Components: Posts Module, Sidebar, Site Search, WordPress Widgets