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How to add a Holiday Message to your website

This guide will show you how to add the Holiday Messages from the example site Here on WordPress and W+M.


  1. On the homepage, in Beaver Builder, click the plus sign in the upper right corner and navigate to the Rows tab.
  2. Click and drag the “2 columns” option UNDER the hero to a new row.
  3. Add the chosen image to the column background in the first column.
  4. Make sure you choose equalize heights, and center align the content by choosing Yes from the “Vertical Alignment” dropdown.
  5. Give your column a minimum height. In the example, we used 500px for desktop and tablet, and 300px for mobile. Please adjust this to fit the site’s design.
  6. In the second column add the UABB Info Box module, and add the desired text in the Title field.
  7. On the link tab of the module, choose “Button” from the Call to Action Type dropdown. Then add the Button text and link appropriately.
  8. In the second column, add some padding around the info box as needed. For best results, adjust the padding to % instead of px and adjust per screen size in the column settings.
  9. Click the done button in the top right corner, then click publish.


  1. On the home page under the hero, add a new section by clicking the plus sign.
  2. Go to the “Introduction” options, and choose an option with an image, text, and button.
  3. Add the desired image, and adjust as needed.
  4. Add the requested text, and remove any unnecessary text in fields that are not needed.
  5. Adjust the Action Button to reflect the label and requested link.
  6. Publish all changes, making sure the changes went through on the live site.


  • If no button is requested, please do not include one.
  • If no image name is provided, center the text and button in a single column.
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