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What to Do When Requested to Install/Update a 3rd Party Plugin for a DIFY Site

If you have received a request to install or make changes to a plugin that is not listed in our approved plugins or part of our 1 time use plugins and the site is a DIFY site, meaning WDS built and is maintaining the site using the GD Core plugin suite here are the steps you should take.

Plugin or Functionality?

Your first step is to determine if they are asking for a 3rd party plugin or if they are asking for a certain functionality that might be part of our approved library already. Even if they have a specific plugin listed, you should check to see if the end goal can be achieved using one of the approved plugins.

If the functionality is something we currently offer, you should proceed with installing and configuring that approved plugin. Notate the ticket with as much detail as you can about why you did not use the requested plugin and details about the plugin you did use.

If the functionality is NOT something we can provide using our approved plugins or if we could only fulfill part of the functionality, you will need to open a clarification with the options “Content or Review > Workaround/OOS – Communicate With Customer” so that a support rep can reach out to the customer to inform them of why we could not fulfill the request.

Adding 3rd Party Plugins

WDS does not support 3rd party plugins for our DIFY sites, which includes installation. If the customer is requesting that we install and configure a specific 3rd party plugin, do not install it. Be sure to leave detailed notes about any attempts to find an approved option. You will need to open a clarification with the options “Content or Review > Workaround/OOS – Communicate With Customer” so that a support rep can reach out to the customer to inform them of why we could not fulfill the request.

Updating 3rd Party Plugins

Just as we wont install a 3rd party plugin, we should not be updating any settings for them either. Be sure to leave detailed notes about the request, why it cannot be fulfilled, and what attempts were made to utilize an approved plugin to fulfill the customers request. You will need to open a clarification with the options “Content or Review > Workaround/OOS – Communicate With Customer” so that a support rep can reach out to the customer to inform them of why we could not fulfill the request.

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