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Home > Posts > Upon editing the blog themer, there is a pop up message said that it has a existing themer layout.

Upon editing the blog themer, there is a pop up message said that it has a existing themer layout.


Upon editing the blog themer, there is a pop up message said that it has a existing themer and if need to override. After clicking the message the current layout of the specific post is changed. Do you have a workaround to revert the old layout of the post?

Order No.  123483 –


  • The reason you are experiencing this is because beaver builder has been enabled for posts – See screenshot below
  • This is something that shouldn’t ever be enabled, especially if the goal is to apply a themer layout to all posts
  • The themer layout will override any custom beaver builder items in each post
  • To revert the layout of a post to how it was before, you will have to remove the themer layout from posts
  • The reason this may have been done is that perhaps a customer wanted to be able to edit their blog posts like they edit their pages in beaver builder — but that just means they cannot have a themer layout
  • You can’t have both, either disable the builder on posts and use themer OR leave it enabled on posts and don’t use themer — the customer will have to choose what they’d rather keep
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