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Removing Beaver Themer Layouts

September 13, 2021 | , ,

Due to an issue with new automation we need to remove Beaver Themer Layouts. These instructions will walk through how to remove them in bulk before starting the new build.

Step 1: Navigate to Themer Layouts in the WordPress Dashboard

Dashboard > Beaver Builder > Themer Layouts

Step 2: Select All Themer Layouts and Move to Trash

Check the box next to Title to select all themer layouts at once. Once checked use the dropdown to select “Move to Trash” and select Apply.

Step 3: Remove Themer Layouts from Trash

Select Trash and use Step 2 instructions to select all themer layouts at once. This time use the dropdown to select “Delete Permanently” and select Apply.

Final Review

Once all of the themer layouts are removed you can begin to build them again. Once automation is updated we will have themer layouts uploaded based on plan type.

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