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Import Products from Websites + Marketing into WooCommerce

This guide will provide an outline on how to export products from Websites + Marketing and import into WooCommerce

Websites + Marketing

Export Products
  1. If you want to only export certain products, check the boxes next to those products or use the Type or Category filters or the Search bar to find and check the box for those products.
  2. Select Import/Export > Export.
  3. Select the button to export all products or the current search or filter.
  4. Select Export.
  5. The exported file is sent to your email. A pop-up window will also appear in your browser with a link to download the CSV file. Larger files will take a few moments longer until they’re ready.
  6. Select OK to return to your products.


Configure CSV

You will need to edit the CSV file that is exported from W+M to import to WooCommerce

(there will be some columns present that are not listed below that are not needed for the Woo import – during the import these will simply list as “Do Not Import”)

  1. Open the CSV in Microsoft Excel
  2. Add a column for “Type” before the “SKU” column
    • Base types include: simple, variable, downloadable, grouped, virtual. Multiple types can be used separated by a comma.
    • If using a variable product type you will need to label the parent type as “variable” and each child type as “variation”
    • You will need to manually add the name for each “variation” if those did not properly export
  3. Change “QTY” TO” “Stock”
  4. Change “image url” TO “Images”
  5. Change “Hidden” TO “Visibility in catalog”
    • Within “Visibility in catalog” change “TRUE” or “FALSE” TO visible, catalog, search, hidden
  6. “Backorder” TO “Backorders allowed?”
    • In the “Backorders Allowed?” column change “TRUE” to 1 and “FALSE” 0
  7. “Track Inventory” TO “In stock?”
    In the “In stock?” column change “TRUE” to 1 and “FALSE” to 0
  8. For Variable products you will need to add the following columns (see attached examples CSVs below):
    • Attribute 1 name
      – The name for a given Attribute (ie Size, Color, etc)
    • Attribute 1 value(s)
      – The value(s) for a given Attribute (ie Red, Blue, Green)
      • The parent Variable will include all Variation names listed under Attribute 1 value(s) (ie the Attribute Values for Color – red, blue, green).
      • Each Variation will include the singular Variation name under Attribute 1 value(s) (ie the Attribute Value for a single Color variation would be labeled – red).
    • Attribute 1 visible
      – A boolean value if the Attribute should be visible (1=Yes, 0=No)
    • Attribute 1 global
      – A boolean value if the Attribute should be global (1=Yes, 0=No)
    • If adding multiple Attributes: add a new series of columns replacing the number value with 2, 3, etc. based on the number of Attributes being added (ie Attribute 2 name, Attribute 2 value(s), Attribute 2 visible, Attribute 2 global)

Alternatively, you can map/copy the values from the W+M CSV to the WooCommerce CSV template. Download the WooCommerce template here.

See Example CSV files below:

Import CSV

Use the steps outlined in the WooCommerce Product Import Documentation to upload the .csv file to the site.

If you encounter an error, double check that the columns are correct before opening a clarification

Only add 400 product lines per CSV to make it easier to upload without timeout issues. Split up the CSVs if there are more than 400 rows present in the CSV.

Keep in mind that the GoDaddy hosting will only support around 3,000 products at this time. If the request is to add more than 3,000 products, please open a clarification stating the number of products requested is OOS for our builds.

Approximate completion time ~ 15 mins per CSV
i.e. If you have been given a CSV with 500 product lines, you would split this in to two different CSV files, one with 400 lines one with 100 lines. Your completion time should be 30 mins.

WooCommerce CSV Guidance
  • CSVs should be in UTF-8 format.
  • Dates should be defined for the store’s local timezone.
  • Use 1 or 0 in your CSV, if importing a Boolean value (true or false)
  • Multiple values in a field get separated with commas.
  • Wrapping values in quotes allows you to insert a comma.
  • Prefix the id with id: if referencing an existing product ID. No prefix is needed if referencing a SKU. For example: id:100SKU101
  • Custom meta is supported/imported but only plain text – no support for JSON or Serialized data.
  • Taxonomy term hierarchy is denoted with >, terms are separated with commas.
  • Draft products are not exported, only published and privately published products.
  • It is not possible to assign a specific post ID to product on import. Products will always use the next available ID, regardless of the ID included in the imported CSV.
  • The Parent column must contain the Parent Product SKU and not the Parent Product title.

Product Types may include:

  • simple
  • variable
    • variation
  • subscription
  • variable-subscription
    • subscription_variation
  • booking
  • composite

Troubleshooting if Import Fails:

  • Make sure your CSV is in UTF-8 format
  • Verify the columns match the sample or are mapped correctly
  • If variations aren’t importing make sure the Parent column contains the Parent Product SKU and not the Parent Product title
  • Make sure your CSV has 400 lines or less
  • HTML can often cause the import to fail, try removing the HTML from a single product and attempt again. If the upload works, make sure that you add the formatting back that was removed with the HTML.
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