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Step 5. Page Build Process: Content

Step 5a. Blocks of Paragraph Text

body - paragraph text

Layouts for Blocks of Text

(1) Short Paragraph & Heading

1 Heading and text content in a condensed row

If you want to center a heading and text in a row it must be: short in character length, be condensed in width so it doesn't stretch from one side of the screen to the other, have larger font size, and have sufficient white-space/padding above and below.

Smart Headings

(13) Short Paragraph & Image

content to left of image

If a heading and paragraph is short in character length and can't be broken up, you can place it to the left or right of an image module. Ensure equal padding on top and bottom of the row.

Smart Headings, Photo

(13) Long Paragraph & Image

13 Paragraphs to the left and right of an image

If a heading and paragraph is long in character length, break it up into two paragraphs and place them each to the left or right of an image module.

Smart Headings, Photo, Text Box

Step 5b. Lists or Distributed Content

body - bulleted text long

Multiple Sentences - Equal character lengths

Use the following layouts if: You can break up a long paragraph into equally distributed sentences OR if content was already distributed into sentences of equal character lengths.


Reference the Callouts & Creative Modules page for details on the best modules to use for callouts and how to properly use them.

(3) Info List & Image

features - list and image

(4) Custom Column Callouts

features - callouts

(9) Info list with image or icons

features - info list

(8) Icon list for bulleted items

features - icon list

Multiple Sentences - Unequal character lengths

Use the following layouts if: You can break up a long paragraph into sentences of unequal character length OR if content was already distributed into sentences/small paragraphs, but their character lengths are unequal. 


Reference the Callouts & Creative Modules page - Creative Module Limitations section for details on the best practices for creative modules, how to use them and how not to use them. 

(2) Text blurb & Info List

text blurb and info list

(5) Flipboxes as Callouts

features - flips

(6) Flipboxes as Callout Accent

features - squares

(6) Slideboxes as Callouts

features - slides
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