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Organic Theme

Business Category: Specialty Food 

Theme Specs:

(these details are modifiable)

  • Default Theme Font: Sacramento
  • Theme Color Used: #97E45D
  • Promotional Banner: enable
  • Header Accent: light

Header Specs:

(these details cannot be altered)

  • Includes: Address, Cart (OLS), Phone, and Search (OLS)
  • Header Type: Static Header
  • Transparency: Solid
  • Nav Position: Stacked

Hero Specs:

(the alignment can be changed, the hero media type or hero size cannot)

  • Default Alignment: center
  • Looks Best Aligned: Left
  • Media Type: Split - Solid Color/Text
  • Size: Content Width

Footer Specs:

(footer layout & accent can be changed - option to enable/disable icons & nav)

  • Footer Layout: inline
  • Footer Accent: dark
  • Footer Social Icons: disable
  • Footer Navigation: hide

Hero Layout Options:

Additional Info:

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