Highlight Theme
Business Category: Twitch Streamer
Theme Specs:
(these details are modifiable)
- Default Theme Font: Old Standard
- Theme Color Used: #FFED18
- Promotional Banner: enable
- Header Accent: light
Header Specs:
(these details cannot be altered)
- Includes: Cart (OLS), Search (OLS), and Social Icons
- Header Type: Sticky Header
- Transparency: Solid
- Nav Position: Inline
Hero Specs:
(the alignment can be changed, the hero media type or hero size cannot)
- Default Alignment: left
- Looks Best Aligned: Left
- Media Type: Large Image and Video
- Size: Content Width
Footer Specs:
(footer layout & accent can be changed - option to enable/disable icons & nav)
- Footer Layout: inline
- Footer Accent: light
- Footer Social Icons: enable
- Footer Navigation: show
Additional Info:
Possible Use Cases - This theme's aesthetic could suit the following businesses:
- Gaming
- Streamers
- Tech Companies
- Electronics
- Schools / Colleges
- Home Decor
- Interior Design
- Modern Fashion
Need-to-Know - Information about the theme / layouts changed from defaults:
- Full width hero image is not possible but you can make the hero accent dark or theme colored and it will fill in the white to the right and left of the main image with that color for a full width row effect
Alterations to theme defaults:
- Changed about section to a better suited layout
- Changed subscribe form section from default inline layout to stacked with image background
- Enabled social icons and site navigation in footer that were hidden by default
- [GC OLS] Changed products images in featured section and on shop page from “shrink to fit” to “expand to fill” so the images appear to be the same height for aesthetic purposes
- [GC OLS] Default product page settings are set to display 16 products per page in 4 columns – changed it to display 12 products per page in 3 columns