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Code Snippets

Instructions on how to add code snippets can be found Here


RETIRED – Send coupons used in an order by email

This snippet sends by email the list of coupons used in an order. You can customize the “$to” variable and define your own email address, and the “$message” to have...

RETIRED – Allow shortcodes in product excerpts


Minimum Order Amount

The WC Minimum Order Amount plugin is based on this snippet.

Customize the WooCommerce breadcrumb


Automatically Complete Orders

You could also change the “Completed” status to be another order status, like “Processing”

RETIRED – Hide sub-category product count in product archives

Turns this: Into this:

Custom sorting options (asc/desc)

This example code shows how you can add an order option for ‘random’, but this also works in similar ways for other ways to order your products on the catalog...

Change the default state and country on the checkout

Note that the default_checkout_billing_country filter affects both existing and non-existing users.

Override loop template and show quantities next to add to cart buttons

To display quantity input fields for simple products within your shop archive pages, use the following code:

RETIRED – Allow HTML in term (category, tag) descriptions

By default, WordPress strips HTML from category descriptions. This code will prevent that from happening. The first part prevents HTML from being stripped from term descriptions. The second part prevents HTML being...

RETIRED – Apply a coupon for minimum cart total

The code snippet below allows you to: Show a notice on the cart and checkout page, reminding customers that they get a discount if spending more than a minimum amount....

RETIRED – Exclude products from a particular category on the shop page

As ‘clothing’ is an example in the snippet below, be sure to use a product category slug that exists in your WooCommerce store. Note that this will only work when you...
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