Luxe Theme
Business Category: Jewelry Shop
Theme Specs:
(these details are modifiable)
- Default Theme Font: Great Vibes
- Theme Color Used: #59798E
- Promotional Banner: enable
- Header Accent: light
Header Specs:
(these details cannot be altered)
- Includes: Cart (OLS) and Search (OLS)
- Header Type: Static Header
- Transparency: Solid
- Nav Position: Stacked
Hero Specs:
(the alignment can be changed, the hero media type or hero size cannot)
- Default Alignment: center
- Looks Best Aligned: Center
- Media Type: Large Image
- Size: Full Width
Footer Specs:
(footer layout & accent can be changed - option to enable/disable icons & nav)
- Footer Layout: inline
- Footer Accent: dark
- Footer Social Icons: enable
- Footer Navigation: show
Additional Info:
Possible Use Cases - This theme's aesthetic could suit the following businesses:
- Jewelry Shop/Jewelers
- Wedding Related Site
- Art/Calligraphy
- Greeting Cards
- Fancy / Posh Themed Site
- Designer / Custom Apparel
- Boutiques
Need-to-Know - Information about the theme / layouts changed from defaults:
Alterations to theme defaults:
- Changed the footer background to dark instead of white (default) to look better on demo
- Enabled social icons and site navigation in footer that were hidden by default
- [GC OLS] Changed products images in featured section and on shop page from “shrink to fit” to “expand to fill” so the images appear to be the same height for aesthetic purposes
- [GC OLS] Default product page settings are set to display 16 products per page in 4 columns – I changed it to display 12 products per page in 3 columns