Business name is misspelled or spelled differently throughout site
- The business name on the site needs to match the business name provided in the DCT.
- Business name should be spelled consistently throughout the site
- If there are conflicting versions of the business name in the DCT, please review:
- Existing branding, such as
- Logo
- Existing site
- Social media
- Customer-provided page content
- The Basics tab
- Existing branding, such as
- If there are conflicting versions of the business name in the DCT, please review:
Important notes:
- In most cases the logo will feature the correct business name and should be considered the most accurate source.
- If a logo is not provided, please refer to external resources such as the customers current site or social media.
- If a current site or social media is not provided, refer to the spelling most frequently used in the DCT.
- The Basics Tab should be used as the last option for confirmation before all other options have been reviewed.