QA Checklist
QA Requirements by section to demonstrate the 'Pass/Fail' checks the builders are held accountable to per the QA Checklist.
- Title tags present on all pages
- H1 tags present for all pages (only 1 per page)
- Meta descriptions present for all pages (including Woo products)
- No spelling errors on copywriting content
- Copywriting context is utilizing consistent and correct pronoun. (he, she, us, I…etc.)
- All requested plugin’s utilized
- Plugin’s formatted correctly
- All requested text added
- All formatting instructions followed
- All requested content from Content
- Worksheet utilized
- Business name matches throughout
- Business phone/email/address match throughout
- Address formatted correctly
- Address utilizes title case properly
- Header layout as requested
- All content requested in Content
- Worksheet added to header
- Color theme/custom colors as requested
- Specific modules requested are used if possible
- Font styled as requested or as close in style to requested font as possible
- Footer layout as requested
- All content requested in Content
- Worksheet added to footer
- Social media present
- Site style/width as requested
- Hero style as requested
- Special instructions followed
- All requested images utilized
- No spelling issues
- Maps display proper physical location
- Blog author is changed to customer/business (no longer attributed to PWS admin)
- Colors of site are consistent and do not clash (1 to 2 colors)
- Site colors applied to all modules and effects (White, black or site colors)
- Consistent alignment throughout site
- Modules are appropriate to content
- Margins/padding consistent
- Sticky Header/Nav does not overpower page with its size
- Row widths are using a consistent global setting
- No text dump
- Text Formatting consistent
- Font matches style and purpose of site
- Title case used
- Icons are related to content
- Stock imagery matches content
- Image sizes scaled appropriately
- Images cropped and positioned properly – focal points shown fully
- Images appropriately sized for how they’re being used (hero, content, logo, etc.)
- Hero – 1920px in width or more
- Content – 600px in width or more
- Logo – 250px in width or more
- Image size not exceeding 300kb in size
- Low resolution images not used if stock imagery available as replacement
- Embedded video functions properly
- Framed in elements are sized appropriately
- Video does not have major negative impact on site speed
- Audio/video auto play properly set
- Header width and alignment consistent
- Footer width and alignment consistent
- Header displays correctly in multiple browsers (Chrome, Edge, FireFox…)
- Margins display uniformly in multiple browsers (Chrome, Edge, FireFox…)
- Images display correctly in multiple browsers (Chrome, Edge, FireFox…)
- Buttons used in place of plain links where appropriate
- Button links direct to correct destination
- Button styling matches throughout
- Buttons/hover/active effect match site color
- External links and linked documents open in new window
- Links are changed to a shortened and clickable label when appropriate.
- Navigation contains pages as called for
- Main navigation and sub-navigation are placed correctly and visually appealing
- Header and footer nav link to matching locations
- WordPress/Woo – Beaver Builder Gravity Form Styler (UABB or PowerPack)
- Forms spaced properly
- Uniform margins
- Correct order of fields
- Correct color/layout
- Correct confirmation message
- Requested fields are present
- Proper field types used (radio, check boxes, drop downs)
- Email form recipient changed if requested
- No confidential information is requested (SS#, CC#...)
- Correct product variables utilized
- Category images present
- Product images cropped/scaled for uniformity
- Products are within proper category
- Style follows Content Worksheet
- Home page product display follows Content Worksheet
- Special instructions and directions followed
- Product descriptions formatted properly
- Requested plugins installed
- Plugins set up correctly
- Plugins functioning as intended
- Site displays properly on multiple device sizes (chrome emulator to test)
- Phone: 375px x 667px
- Tablet: 768px x 1024px
- Margins and widths set properly for each device
- Header alignment consistent
- Footer alignment consistent
- Text wrapping is correct
- Headings sized properly to avoid word wrap
- Properly defined media breakpoints
- Content/text alignment consistent
- Margin/padding consistent
- Text grouped correctly with content copy/images.
- No overlapping content
- Paragraph font large enough to read
- Navigation menu mirrors desktop menu
- Navigation is functional
- iHover features display correctly
- Hero text responsive
- No duplicate hero/images
- Images not distorted/stretched
- Graphics are not suppressed when appropriate/specified
- Graphics/images displaying properly
- Forms appear correctly
- Links/buttons function properly
- Store purchase path functional
- Tables are displaying properly and provide positive UX
- No horizontal scroll (tables excluded when necessary)