Calculator Examples Here are some examples of the kinds of calculators we can set up using gravity forms. Tip Calculator Square Footage Calculator Conversion Calculator Tip CalculatorTotal BillTip Percentage %This field is hidden when viewing the formPercentage decimalTotal TipTotal Dashboard Screenshots for Tip Calculator Fields must be in order for calculations to work. This is where the user would enter the cost of the bill. This is where the user would decide what percentage to tip. This calculates the number the tip based on the percentage. This field is hidden to the user. You can adjust the settings in the advanced tab to Hidden for this to work. This converts the number the customer entered for the tip percentage into a decimal for calculation. This adds the total tip with the total bill to give a final total. Square Footage CalculatorWidth in feetLength in feetTotal square footage Dashboard Screenshots for Square Footage Calculator Square Footage Calculator No Special settings are needed here No Special settings are needed here This multiplies the width by the length to yield the square footage. Convert in to ftInchesFeet Dashboard Screenshots for Conversion Calculator Convert in to ft User inputs the number of inches to be converted to ft A simple formula converts inches to feet.