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Beaver Themer

This page contains a more comprehensive overview of what Beaver Themer is, when to use it, and how to set it up per scenario.

Using Beaver Themer

What is Beaver Themer?

Beaver Themer is an add-on plugin that integrates with the Beaver Builder plugin. It lets you build layouts for the pages and parts of pages normally controlled by the theme: header, footer, sidebar, post pages, 404 pages, specific locations on posts and pages, index and archive pages generated by WordPress.

When is it required to use Beaver Themer?

In PWS, in order to consider a "new build" WordPress or WooCommerce site "complete", it is required to use Beaver Themer to set up the following components and theme pages per plan type:

Plan Type Theme Components You MUST Set Up
Standard WPHeader, footer, default blog post landing page, blog post archives page, singular blog post layout
Premium WPHeader, footer, default blog post landing page, blog post archives page, singular blog post layout
WooCommerceHeader, footer, default blog post landing page, blog post archives page, singular blog post layout, default shop landing page, product archives page, singular product layout, cart page, chekout page, account page, terms & conditions page

If a site incorporates the Events Calendar plugin, then in addition to the required theme components based on the plan type, you must also set up the default calendar view page using the calendar short-code and making it consistent with the rest of the site.
Then with themer, you must set up:

  1. event posts archive page and
  2. the singular event post layout

If a site incorporates the WP Listings plugin, then in addition to the required theme components based on the plan type, you must also set up the default listings page.
Then using themer you must set up:

  1. listing posts archive page and
  2. the singular listing post layout

For WooCommerce, the cart, checkout terms & account pages are not set up with themer, but are required to be created and set up in order for the WooCommerce site to be considered "complete".

If a site incorporates the WP Job Manager plugin, then in addition to the required theme components based on the plan type, you must set up the required pages for the jobs short-codes.
Then using themer, you must set up:

  1. job listing posts archive page
  2. the singular job listing layout

Pro Tip: Basically, if there is any plugin incorporated that involves a custom post type with an archive, themer must be used to set up the archive generated page, and the layout for the singular custom post type.

Step-by-Step Setup

The WordPress installation process covers using themer to setup components during stages [4, 5 & 6] on the WP Page Setup page. This instruction set tells you how to initially setup the header, footer, blog layouts and shop layouts. A collection of posts that describe the setups for such components with screenshots to follow along can be found on the Beaver Themer Category page. They also will include creating a themer layout for a scenario possibly not explained in enough detail during initial setup.

Examples of instructions found here can include: detailed setup for themer components, using pre-loaded PWS templates, using themer with module fields, creating a different themer layout for a post in a different category, etc.

Table of Contents
    Add a header to begin generating the table of contents
    Next Steps

    After installation and customizer setup, its time to create the themer layouts.

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