
The Functionality Form must be completed, and the PDF added to the project.

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Safe to use, minimal to no impact on site performance.
Support Scope:

Supported – Installation, troubleshooting and, technical support IS provided.

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Members is a roles and capabilities-based membership plugin. It gives users the ability to add roles and allows you to set permissions to restrict content on your site.


  • Role Editor: Allows you to edit, create, and delete roles as well as capabilities for these roles.
  • Multiple User Roles: Give one, two, or even more roles to any user.
  • Explicitly Deny Capabilities: Deny specific caps to specific user roles.
  • Clone Roles: Build a new role by cloning an existing role.
  • Content Permissions: Gives you control over which users (by role) have access to post content.
  • Shortcodes: Shortcodes to control who has access to content.
  • Widgets: A login form widget and users widget to show in your theme’s sidebars.
  • Private Site: You can make your site and its feed completely private if you want.

This plugin is mostly for delegating access to different users and controlling what those users are allowed to contribute or actually see. Do NOT use Members if the customer expects front-end registration or membership sales. This plugin is not going to allow users to register as a member, nor will it accept payments of any kind.

When to Use Member Roles & Access

Use this plugin to assign roles and capabilities to preexisting users or users that you manually add. This plugin is mostly for delegating access to different users and controlling what those users are allowed to contribute or actually see.

Details & Setup

Support & Requirements

Support Scope:

We will install, activate, and configure settings based on the generated PDF worksheet.

Requirements for Setup:

The Functionality Form must be completed, and the PDF added to the project.


  1. Download and install/activate the plugin
  2. This plugin is set up to have a components-based system. There’s no point in using the Role Manger feature if all you need is just a login widget and some shortcodes. So, it’s a use-only-what-you-want system.
  3. Go to dashboard > settings > Members To activate certain features, look for the “Members” link under your “Settings” menu while in your WordPress admin. When on the new page, you’ll be able to select the features you want to use. Activate the Role Manager feature.
  4. Use shortcodes or the built-in widgets to lay out content and make it visible to users within certain roles.

Functionality Path:

Premium>End User Enhancement>Users and Memberships>Custom User Roles


Reference the link(s) below for how to setup Member Roles & Access:

Installation & Set-Up

Use Case(s): Content Visibility

Support Scope:

Supported Plan(s):



Related Features:

Supported Feature requests require a PDF Worksheet be generated using the Functionality Form, and the PDF Worksheet must be added to the project.

Functionality Path:
Premium>End User Enhancement>Users and Memberships>Custom User Roles